We are

Authentic and Credible Sparring Partners

We are trusted advisors to assist Shareholders, Family Businesses, Investors, Social Enterprises to TURN THEIR DREAMS INTO REALITY through customized and executable solutions of leadership solutions, of corporate-business strategy, of corporate governance, of special situations.. Our credibility is based on successful leadership roles held in corporations and business over 30 years.

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be Authentic

we express our opinions, intrinsically motivated and responsible for our future, capable of getting emotional and accepting our vulnerabilities, we value deep relationships

Respect others

we take differences into account, look for what unites, listen with empathy

looking Continuous Improvement

we create the right context for improvement, looking for opportunities to improvement and/or root causes of waste, we plan-act-control

act Honestly

we are knowledgeable, we express ourselves clearly and directly, we walk the talk, we are optimistic and convinced that sincerity and loyalty are winners, in the long run

keep Promises made

keeping promises we made - we selectively commit ourselves, ensure that expectations and goals are clear and shared, monitor commitments made through feedback too

Our Code of Conduct

Giving advice with integrity

The code of conduct establishes the responsibilities of all those who represent DPZ&Partners. The code describes the ethical and legal responsibilities that all DPZ&Partners employees, managers, and partners are expected to fulfill. It is a guide and resource intended to help employees understand legal and ethical issues that frequently arise.

What the code of conduct is not

The code of conduct is not an exhaustive document intended to address every ethical issue an employee might encounter, nor is it a summary of all laws and policies affecting DPZ&Partners' activities. Above all, the code of conduct is not a substitute for common sense, nor is it a limitation on the entrepreneurial initiative and imagination of DPZ&Partners employees and managers.

What is the code of conduct

DPZ&Partners is made up of people who advise shareholders, entrepreneurs and investors around the world. While each individual in the company is unique, we all work toward a common mission and vision by adhering to shared values: being authentic, respecting others, open to change, acting honestly, and keeping our promises. We put these values into practice in our relationships with everyone who has an interest in how we conduct ourselves. This code of conduct is a useful reminder for us of the business responsibilities we share.

The code of conduct is not enough

One of the truest sayings heard in the world is that "actions speak louder than words." Our code of conduct is effective when each of us at DPZ&Partners reads it, understands it, and behaves consistently. To facilitate this, DPZ&Partners has formed a committee composed of Partners in the firm to establish appropriate ethical and legal standards and to oversee compliance with the code of conduct, laws, regulations, and related policies and procedures. DPZ&Partners also assigned a Partner responsible for overseeing the day-to-day implementation of, and compliance with, ethical standards, including communication, training, and evaluation. Committees and managers have also been appointed in countries where DPZ&Partners operates worldwide.

The code of conduct is global

The code of conduct applies to employees, managers and Partners worldwide; to members of the board of directors when acting on behalf of DPZ&Partners. Employees may not use suppliers, agents, consultants, brokers, distributors, or third parties to act against the law or DPZ&Partners' code of conduct. If congruity with the code conflicts with local law, employees should discuss this with DPZ&Partners' attorneys.

References and names in the code of conduct

All references to DPZ&Partners in this document are understood to also refer to DPZ&Partners business units worldwide, as well as to joint ventures where DPZ&Partners has managerial responsibilities. References to functions such as legal, human resources, or titles such as CEO refer to business unit functions unless otherwise specified.

Teamwork is the only way we work

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A person's portrait photo

Tom Raikonnen

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur sit amet eros.

A person's portrait photo

Timmothy Burns

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A person's portrait photo

John Mastersson

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A person's portrait photo

Selby Johnson

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